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SCIENCE SUMMARY & WORKSHEET YR 8...(Atoms,element,digestion,circulatory,Respiratory)

1 In order to make a bond atom need to be……….. stable
2 Atom can be stable if the outer shell has…………electron 2 or 8
3 When atom loses their electron. It becomes…………. positive ion
4 When atom receiving electron. It becomes…………. negative ion
5 The more atom receive electrons the bigger………….. negative charges
6 Metal gener ally……………………electron because have aspace in the outer  gain
7 Non metal generally ………………electron because ….. loose
8 Positive and negative ion Attract to each other to form…………….. compound
9 when metal ion attract a number of other ions will form……… lattices
10 when nonmetal form compound by sharing electrons we call……… covalen bonding
11 Water is a sample of……………………..bonding covalen
12 NaCl is a sample of………………………bonding ionic
13  which gases are very stable on its own …. noble Gas
14 What type of bonding by giving and receiving electron ? ionic bonding
15 What is the charge of electron ? negative charges
16 What particle that orbit around the nucleous ? electrons
17 what particle that in side the centre of atom with neutron ? protons
18 atomic numbers tells us the number of……… protons
19 Every thing in the world is made from………………. atom
20 Carbon has 6 atomic number how many protons it has? 6
21 Which element has 17 protons ? chlorine
22 If potasium has 19 atomic number and 39 mass. The element has……electrn   39 - 19 = 20
23 Potasium has……..proton. And ………..neutrons 19 protons and 19 neutrons
24 What is the mass of Nickel if proton has 28 and has 31 electrons mass  is 59
25 substanc that canno be breakdown into smaller particle is called……. element
26 give the sample of element at least 5 gold, iron, copper, helium, chlorine
27 Naturally occuring element or pure element is known with………. native element
28 There are……………….naturally occuring element  92
29 What is the most abundant element…. oxygen 47%
30 Scientist now has found …………………syntetic/artificial element 25
31 Of the 118 known elements ……are metal and…………..are non metal 94 metals and 23 non metal
32 Syntetic element can be made by/……………………. colliding natually occuring atoms together
33 Name 2 solid metalic elements…. iron and magnesium
34 Syntetic element can be made by using…………….. particle accelerator with magnet and electricity
35 A sample of liquid  metalic element is mercury
36 all elements in Group 1 are called……………. alkali metal
37 all elements in Group 2 are called……………. Alkeline earth metalic
38 all elements in Group 7 are called……………. Hallogens
39 all elements in Group 8 are called……………. Noble gas
40 could not be broken down into other substance is called……. element
41 Element that have properties metal and non metal are called…. metalloids
42 Properties that are britttle, poor cunductivity, melt at low tempt


non metals

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